perm filename DESCR[RDG,DBL]3 blob sn#534512 filedate 1980-09-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	RLL TALK
C00005 00003	What's in a Language?
C00008 00004	Add to memo, next iteration:
C00009 00005	Comments about MEMO
C00013 00006	Criteria for Paper (esp AAAI)
C00015 00007		Comments re: AAAI Paper
C00018 00008	Documentation changes - full Document
C00021 00009		Short description (for AAAI Article)
C00032 00010		Version of Short PCohen rewrote (June 1980) [Taken from previous page]
C00035 00011	Mailed to NII (LENAT/CC)  18:50 26-June 
C00046 00012	Mailed to CSD.NII@SCORE 15:41 3-July
C00058 00013	Received from NII 7-July (essentially final form)
C00068 00014	Language metaphor
C00072 00015	Ref:
C00077 ENDMK
<<Table with missing leg for Problem 1; Hammer and Nail for Soln (rep'n lang)>>
<<Broken cup for Problem 2; Glue for Soln (rep'n lang)>>

Let us pause here and ask why LISP is in such common usage --
what advantages does it have over, say, Fortran (well, we know why not 
Fortran) over, say, Pascal or the other "good" (structured) languages?
Answer is clear - Lisp is flexible and adaptable to new situations.

How does this happen: LISP code is identical, in form, to the data
it can use -- they are all S-Expressions. And LISP knows how to deal
with S-expressions in general, and hence can modify code with the 
same ease as it can manipulate data in general.
What's in a Language?

1. Languages are inherently Linguistic entitites -- in the manner of 
	a grammar is. [See RWW's LS-pairs, ie Language/Structure]
2. A Rep'n Language attempts to correspond to the "real" world --

Representation is both an interpretation and a set of symbols
Language part of a representation

Language: a set of words and a grammar.  Note this is asemantic.

Representation: a mapping between words in a language and objects,
	relationships, etc. in the (some) world.
	Note that a representation is also a language.

Representation Language: a scheme for constructing and augmenting
	a representation, including tools for facilitating same.
	Note than a representation language IS A representation and a language.

Representation Language Language: a scheme for constructing and augmenting
	a representation language, including tools for facilitating same.
	Note than a representation language language IS A representation language.


Language - Linguistic entity
Representation - See SIGART, p. 68-9 for defn, p.5 for illustration of difficulties
Represenatation Language - Corresponds to "real world" IN NATURAL WAY -
	so the pieces are easy to manipulate
Representational Components - pieces used in a representational languages
Add to memo, next iteration:
1. Glossary:
	Language, Representation, Rep'n	Language, Semantics
	rll, RLL-1,
	Slot Type, slot, unit, proposition, class of units, typical member, defalts

2. Example of RLL in action - perhaps spill problem (with its control process)
Comments about MEMO

∂17-Aug-80  1335	CSD.FREEMAN at SU-SCORE 	Re: Memo, still just about done.   
Date: 17 Aug 1980 1334-PDT
Subject: Re: Memo, still just about done. 
To: RDG at SU-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 17-Aug-80 0112-PDT

I couldn't get to any of the files on the IFS, I tried to get a manual
on the altos but they were out as of friday. Help facilities are non-
existent....I really would like a copy of appenices C, D, and maybe E.

pg 6 new slot => new slots
pg 21 It is confusing from 5.5 to 5.6. I know you realize this as ***here***
	is used.
pg 21 Where is footnote 6, referenced in 5.6.
pg 22 footnote 18 has already been used....
pg 22 (An excellent article by ... of view.) is not a sentence....
pg 22 random paragraph starting with "the range of tasks..."
pg 23 RPSW "AMORD, TMS ..."

Basically it seems pretty good, but then I'm not an expert at any of the
subjects addressed.  Who is writing E&E?


Date: 17 Aug 1980 0112-PDT
From: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: Memo, still just about done. 
To:   csd.smith at SU-SCORE, csd.genesereth at SU-SCORE,
      csd.lenat at SU-SCORE, csd.hines at SU-SCORE,
      csd.freeman at SU-SCORE
CC:   csd.greiner at SU-SCORE  

	Dave: I put it in the S mailbox. 
I'm still not quite thru with sections 7 thru 9, but at the rate I'm
going, I never will be. Perhaps your comments can help guide me thru
those parts.
Also, there is a diagram I've prepared to accompany Appendix C, put I
can't xerox it, as I can't get into Marion's office.
	Mike - I'll drop a copy off at your house tomorrw - well,
later today...
	Doug - I left pages 20 on in your mailbox ... I ran out of copies
of the earlier stuff; but we've been over that anyway.
	Finally, to get other copies:
Look in <GREINER>RLL>MEMO.*, on the Lassen IFS. That should include
MEMO.123  - Table of Contents, and Sections 1, 2 and 3
MEMO.S4   - Section 4
MEMO.5678 - Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; acknowledgement, and Appendices A and B
MEMO.SPEC - The diagram to accompany Appendix C.
MEMO.FNS  - Appendix D, on functions, etc
MEMO.BIB  - Appendix E, the bibliography
	My password to the ALTO is IMDVS, if that becomes relevant.
Appendix C is stored on U.XGP[RLL,RDG], at SAIL.
Feel free to spool more copies, if you want.
	I gotta get out of this place. I'll return sometime later today.
Give me a call at home if you want to meet earlier. (326-1730)
Criteria for Paper (esp AAAI)

1) Precise Statement of our goals -
	To develop a body of mechanisms (read language) in which one can
	represent the components of a RL, and their interactions.
   (Components include: 
	Slots, Inheritance Mechanism, Matchers, Verifiers, ?Semantics? )
   Include hierarchy of existing  pieces - taken from Klone, KRL, ...,
	user can pick and choose

   Note it is NOT required that we (explicitly) encode every possible rep'nal
	construct -- our goal is to be able to develope such, readily.

2) Where does power derive? 
	i) Self-Description -- note LISP has this as well
	ii) Right size conceptual chunks - to facilitate easy use
		This like compiler - user specifies high-level construct,
		which machine translates into lower level

3) Verification - RLL is a success when ____. 
	i) Given any new rep'n item, we can nod our head, realizing it could be done
	ii) Others abandon their systems, realizing RLL's generality subsumes
		such systems

	Comments re: AAAI Paper
Date: 18 May 1980 1603-PDT
Subject: AAAI Papers

Very few were accepted (about one in four), including only some of the
program committee's papers.  Ours was accepted, however, in the "clearly
accept" category, of which there were surprisingly few examples.  Most
of the ones we finally accepted were originally calssified "good but not great".
I neglected to find out about (and didn't review) any other "local" papers,
so I don't know how Dave, Mike, etc. fared.  Brachman's repr. paper was
rejected (he was on the committee, incidentally) as insubstantive.  The
experience was a good one, overall; we got everything done in about 9
solid hours of work.   Woody Bledsoe will be staying over to meet with me
some tomorrow; I'll look around for you if you're interested.


Mailed to LENAT@SUMEX (CC Hazen) 17:23 26-June
	A copy of the paper was put in your mailbox, identical to the one on
Marion's desk. (Yes, both have lines drawn in...)
If you want to change the document, you'll probably want to use the
Window Edge command, typing (to Bravo) "WE10<esc>" -- this moves the screen
over to see the text.
(The file is <GREINER>RLL>AAAI1.BRAVO -- same password as usual.
Note the AAAI.BRAVO paper has NOT been kept up to date with the corrections.)
	Things to consider deleting, if space gets tight:
1. Subtitles
2. Whole Mary example - its more trouble than its worth, especially as it's wrong.
3. Semantics part -- especially the footnote. (Not that it's uninterested, but at
	$100/page, ....)
4. Part of the applications - where we assert that xxx is considering using RLL.
	[We should add in Larry's eventual work, don't you think?]

	I might meander it in the afternoon -- 
Documentation changes - full Document

RLL: The Ultimate Representation Language
RLL: The Ultimate Expert System Builder
RLL: The Ultimate ...

<<As TMS system, ala AMORD -- at least initial RLL>>

Fast-Cache for CacheValue
Fast-Put for PutValue

Add on ways of handling quantification

 Note at end that we are changing it so each unt (well, each KB) knows how to
access its slots, ...

	Short description (for AAAI Article)
Implementing a complex AI  task using begins by  designing and building  a
suitable representation language,  in which to  express the primitives  of
this domain are easy to express and manipulate.  (eg Parsing Trees for NL,
or Experiment Planning for MOLGEN.)   The representation language used  in
one domain is very seldom borrowed  and adaptated to serve for some  other
application -- the facilities which were desirable assets for the original
task become  limitations elsewhere.   Most  such languages  are  therefore
built essentially from scratch -- a very time consuming (and, we  believe,
avoidable) task.

Realizing this problem, we built a  language in which the components of  a
representation language could be described and built, and integrated  into
a new  representation language.   This Representation  Language  Language,
RLL, provides a  body of high  level constructs which  the user can  apply
when designing his  new language,  [significantly speeding  up this  first
step.]  RLL includes  a large library  of "representational pieces",  e.g.
including the mode of inheritance used  by the Examples link of the  Units
package, or the A-Kind-Of type of slot associated with FRL.  A novice user
can easily design his system  by simply choosing the precise  amalgamation
of these pieces  he wishes.   RLL is  then responsible  for meshing  these
parts together, to form a coherent and working whole.

A more advanced user can exploit RLL's mechanisms for designing new  parts
-- for example, a new inheritance, or new type of format permissable for a
slot.  He could then use these in the system he is building.  Once  again,
the use  of high  level  operators (such  as  Create-New-Inheritance-Like(
InstanceOf ))  will vastly  lessen  the time  required to  construct  this
desired language (compared to using, say, CAR, CDR and COND).

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

This research has forced us to examine a variety of issues -- ranging from
"what's in a language" concerns, which asks just what are the  constituent
parts of a representation language, to epistomological questions, such  as
how to handle intentional objects, or syntactic slots.

The details of how RLL  was designed can be  found in [Greiner 1980];  and
our proposals for solving many of the outstanding issues and questions are
in [Greiner and  Lenat 1980]  and [Genesereth and  Lenat 1980].   Finally,
Dave Smith's demand paging system, CORLL, frees RLL from InterLisp's  256K
storage limitation.


Genesereth, Micheal, and Lenat, Douglas  B., "?", HPP Working Paper  80-?,
June 1980.

Greiner,  Russell,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", HPP Working Paer 80-9.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", submitted to this AAAI.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand Paging System  for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, June 1980.
	Version of Short PCohen rewrote (June 1980) [Taken from previous page]
Implementing a complex AI  task often begins by designing and
building a suitable  representation language, in which the primitives
of the domain are easy to express and manipulate.  The representation
language  used in  one  domain  is  seldom borrowed  and  adapted  to
another, because the facilities  that were assets for one task become
limitations elsewhere. For this reason, most such languages are built
from scratch. The  goal of the RLL effort is  to reduce the amount of
time expended  in building a representation  language, by providing a
Representation  Language Language, that is,  a language that provides
the  user with the  components of many  representation languages, and
with the ability to integrate  them.  RLL contains a large library of
"representational pieces", for  example, the mode of inheritance used
by the  Examples link of the Units package,  or the A-Kind-Of type of
slot used  in the MIT Frames Representation  Language, FRL.  A novice
user can  easily design a language simply  by picking an amalgamation
of pieces;  RLL  is  responsible for  meshing  them together  into  a
coherent  and working whole.  A more advanced user  can exploit RLL's
mechanisms for  designing  new  parts, for  example,  a new  mode  of
inheritance, or  a new type of  format for a slot.  He could then use
these in the system he  is building.  The use of high level operators
(e.g.  "Create-New-Inheritance-Like(Instance-Of)") will greatly lessen
the time required to construct the desired language.

	The  RLL system  is an ongoing  effort. It  has recently been
used in  two small, internal tasks, an  adventure game simulation and
an  exploration into a  more complete self-description  of various of
its parts, using lower level primitives.
Mailed to NII (LENAT/CC)  18:50 26-June 

Short  description (for NII's  HPP Brochure)


Implementing  a  complex  AI  task  usually  begins  by  building  such  a
representation language.   This language  is  designed to  facilitate  the
expression and manipulation of the  primitives of this particular  domain.
Experience has  shown that  the  language used  in  one domain  is  seldom
borrowed  and  adaptated  to  serve  for  some  other  application:    The
facilities which  were  desirable  assets for  the  original  task  become
limitations elsewhere.   Most such  languages are  built essentially  from
scratch -- a very time consuming (and, we believe, avoidable) task.

Task Description

To speed up this first step, we  built a language which "knows" about  the
components of representation  languages in  general.  This  Representation
Language Language, RLL,  provides an extendable  collection of high  level
operators and constructs,  which can be  used to describe  and build  such
components.  It can  then integrate  these pieces into  a functional,  new
representation language.  The user can  use these functions to design  his
"personal" language, capable of dealing with the problems associated  with
his specfic domain and application.

RLL's open-ended  means  there  were  be an  extendable  set  of  possible
representational pieces.  The current system  knows about slots, modes  of
inheritance, specification for functions, etc.  (Much of the nomenclature,
such as  Unit  and  Slot,  is taken  from  the  UNITS  package,  described
earlier.)  (A sample mode  of inheritance is the  one associated with  the
Examples link of  the Units package,  which corresponds to  "element-of".)
Most operators  are methods  for defining  or refining  such pieces.   For
example, RLL allows the user to define the "Parents" slot as the union  of
the "Mother" and "Father" slots --  that is, (the value of) the  "Parents"
slot of an individual is a list consisting of (the value of) that person's
"Mother"  slot,  and  (the  value  of)  his  "Father"  slot.   This  brief
definition alone is  sufficient to tell  RLL everything it  needs to  know
about this slot.  RLL will  automatically invalidate the value stored  for
Fred's parents if his mother remarries; and know that only some units  may
have a Parents slots (viz. those which  had both a Mother and Father  slot
-- i.e. people).

RLL includes a large library of pre-fabricated "representational  pieces".
In fact, a novice  can easily design his  language by simply choosing  the
precise amalgamation of these pieces he wishes.  RLL will then mesh  these
parts together, to form a coherent and working whole.

A more advanced user can exploit RLL's mechanisms for designing new parts.
The "Father" example above illustrates the ease associated with defining a
new slot; designing a new inheritance, or  new type of format is as  easy.
As before,  the host  of  high level  operators considerably  lessens  the
complexity associated with constructing and integrating this new piece.

Using these parts (however they were derived,) as tools, the user can then
procede with his main task.  If he later discovers limitations in this set
of facilities, he need only redesign the offending components.  RLL's high
level operators make such modifications easy to perform; furthermore,  RLL
will automatically perform any necessary reformatting of the existing data
to conform to this new, just defined set of conventions.

Current Applications

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

An brief overview of RLL's goals can be found in [Greiner & Lenat].   This
is expanded in [Greiner 1980], which illustrating many additional  aspects
of RLL's  design and  implementation.  Finally,  an important  stand-alone
submodule of RLL is its demand paging system, CORLL, which frees RLL  from
InterLisp's 256K storage limitation. (See [Smith 1980].)


Greiner, Russell, "A Representation Language Language", HPP Working  Paper
80-9, June 1980.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", AAAI Conference, Stanford, 1980.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand  Paging System for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, June 1980.

∂Date: 27 Jun 1980 1442-PDT
From: Nii at SUMEX-AIM
Subject: Re: Short RLL Description   
To:   RDG at SU-AI
cc:   lenat

In response to your message sent 26 Jun 1980 1850-PDT

The piece you wrote is really nice and is much appreciated.
I'll go over it Doug to get his ok

∂Date:  3 Jul 1980 1119-PDT
Subject: RLL article
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE, rdg at SU-AI
cc: csd.nii at SU-SCORE

I've fixed the first 2-3 paragraphs of the RLL article.  It is
unprotected and is in my directory at SCORE (do not use the one
at Sumex) <csd.nii>broch.rll.  We are fast reaching a deadline so
could you get it back to me as soon as possible.

∂Date:  6 Jul 1980 1403-PDT - Nii at SUMEX-AIM - Rll write-up
To:   rdg at SU-AI
cc:   nii, Lenat

	I did some text editing to the version you gave me to save time.
I don't believe I changed any meanings intended in the paper.  Please
look is over and see if you are satisfied--it's in <nii>broch.rll@sumex.

1.  Try to avoid too many parenthetical remarks.  They are reserved for
    statements which can be skipped over.  Either something is worth
    saying or it isn't.  I took out most of the parentheses and made them
    into regular text.

2.  Unnecesary uses of "this" and "that"'s.  Since the text progression
    is quite logical, I replaced most of them with "the" or repeated the

3.  Look out for parallel constructs--avoid split infinitives.

4.  Use commas, ;, and -- appropriately.

Since English is my second language, I'm not the one to criticize other's
English.  However, there are some heuristics that can be learned that
might make your writing task a little easier and smoother.

Mailed to NI@SUMEX (& LENAT/cc) 13:03 7-July
	That document seemed good. I have (only) a few suggsted modifications;
our words do seem to be converging. One more iteration? When?
Mailed to CSD.NII@SCORE 15:41 3-July

RLL is a tool to facilitiate the building of expert programs quickly.   It
is itself  an  expert program,  whose  domain of  expertise  is  knowledge

Task Description

The standard first step taken in  building an application program (in  AI)
is the  design  and  implementation  of a  language  which  will  be  used
represent the knowledge this program will use.  Experience has shown  that
the language developed in one application  is seldom adaptated for use  in
other programs.  The features  that were useful  for the original  problem
become limitations elsewhere.  Thus, a specialized representation language
is redesigned  and  reimplemented for  each  application --  a  very  time
consuming task.

RLL (Representation  Language Language)  is designed  to reduce  the  time
spent building  such representation  languages.  It  is a  language  which
"knows" about the components of  representation languages in general.   It
provides the user with  an extendable collection  of high level  operators
and constructs which he  can use to describe  and build components of  his
target language.  After the user  has specified the desirable features  of
the target language,  RLL integrates these  components into a  functional,
new representation  language.  In  other words,  a user  can readily  (and
rapidly) design a personalized language, exactly suited to the domain  and
the application task at hand.

RLL's open-ended  means  there  were  be an  extendable  set  of  possible
representational pieces.  The current system can deal with pieces such  as
slots, modes  of  inheritance,  and specification  for  functions.   Slots
conform  to  the  definition  given  in  the  UNITS  package  description,
appearing earlier.  (In fact,  RLL borrowed much  of its nomenclature,  as
well as  software,  from  this  system.   [Footnote:   One  example  is  a
stand-alone submodule of  RLL, which  implements a  demand paging  system.
This frees RLL from InterLisp's 256K storage limitation.  (See  [Smith].])
UNITs also motivated an important mode of inheritance:  the one associated
with its  Examples link.   (This relationship  corresponds to  set  theory
notion of "element-of".)  There is  nothing in UNITS which corresponds  to
our use  of functional  specification.  We  are currently  exploring  this
domain, which  helps  unify  many  outwardly  diverse  concepts,  such  as
processes, mechanisms, and slots.

The initial RLL system is itself a very versatile representation language.
For most tasks, the user can use  it as he might any other  representation
language.  What distinguishes RLL is that the user is not forced to follow
the constraints imposed by this particular language; instead, he can  mold
his copy of RLL to accomodate his particular task.

RLL derives this  flexibility in two  ways.  First, RLL  contains a  large
library of largely independent, pre-fabricated "representational  pieces".
For example, there are many (mutually incompatible) ways in which one  can
associate facts with an object.  One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot,
while another is to let each unit point the list of assertions in which it
is involves.  (Consider  how to represent  "Fred is the  Father of  Mary".
Using slots, this means  filling the "Father" slot  of the unit Mary  with
the value "Fred".  In  the second notation, the  unit Mary would point  to
the assertion "(Father  Mary Fred)".)  This  first method, using  explicit
slots,  is  "active"  in   the  initial  RLL   system.   If  this   proves
unsatifactory, a simple command will instruct RLL to switch to this second
system.  From then  on, (or,  at least,  until the  user's next  alterring
command,) this modified version of RLL will understand this different  set
of instructions, and  its reactions  will follow  this second  convention.
Furthermore, RLL will automatically convert the user's existing data  into
this new format.

To effectively use  these varied  components, RLL  must "understand"  what
each does, and  how.  This information  allows RLL to  mesh diverse  parts
together, to form  a coherent and  working whole.  As  such, it should  be
possible for the  user to  design a  fairly arbitrary  language by  simply
choosing the precise amalgamation  of these pieces  he wishes; leaving  to
RLL the responsibility, and headaches, of fitting them together.

Realizing this catalog of "chunks"  will never be totally complete,  RLL's
second approach towards generality are its collection of tools designed to
help the user fabricate new parts.  These high-level operators can be used
to define a new  component, (or type of  component) or refine an  existing

For example, the user can  define the "Parents" slot  as the union of  the
"Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is,  (the value of) the "Parents"  slot
of an individual  is a list  consisting of (the  values of) that  person's
"Mother" and "Father" slots.  This brief definition (Parent = Union(Mother
Father) ) is sufficient to tell RLL everything it needs to know about this
slot.  RLL now knows  to (automatically) invalidate  the value stored  for
Fred's parents if his mother remarries; and know that only some units  may
have a Parents slots (viz. those which  had both a Mother and Father  slot
-- i.e. people).

Defining a new slot is trivial;  designing a new inheritance, or new  type
of format  is as  easy.   The host  of high-level  operators  considerably
lessens the complexity associated  with constructing and integrating  this
new piece.

These parts (however they were derived,) become the language the user  can
use for his main task.  If he  later discovers limitations in this set  of
facilities, he need  only replace, or  redesign the offending  components.
RLL's collection of  types of  parts, and its  high-level operators,  make
either type of modification relatively  simple.  As shown above, RLL  then
does the "busywork" -- such as  reformatting the existing data to  conform
to this new set of conventions.

Current Applications

While several  people  have expressed  interest  in using  RLL  for  their
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to  use it.   It has been  involved in  two small,  internal
tasks --  an adventure  game simulation  and an  exploration into  a  more
complete self-description  of  various  of its  parts,  using  lower-level

An brief overview of RLL's goals can be found in [Greiner & Lenat].   This
is expanded in  [Greiner], which illustrating  many additional aspects  of
RLL's design and implementation.


Greiner, Russell, "A Representation Language Language", HPP Working  Paper
80-9, July 1980.

Greiner,  Russell  and  Lenat,  Douglas  B.,  "A  Representation  Language
Language", AAAI Conference, August 1980, Stanford.

Smith, David E., "CORLL:  A Demand  Paging System for Units", HPP  Working
Paper 80-8, July 1980.
Received from NII 7-July (essentially final form)


	RLL is a tool to facilitiate the building of expert  programs
quickly.  It is itself an  expert program, whose domain of  expertise
is knowledge representation.

Task Description

	The standard  first step  taken  in building  an  application
program in AI  is the design  and implementation of  a language  that
(in which to)
represents the knowledge the program will use.  Experience has  shown
that the language  developed in one  application is seldom  adaptated
for use in  other programs.  The  features that were  useful for  the
original problem become limitations  elsewhere.  Thus, a  specialized
representation language  is  redesigned and  reimplemented  for  each
application -- a very time consuming task.

	RLL (Representation Language Language) is designed to  reduce
the time  spent  building such  representation  languages.  It  is  a
language  which  "knows"  about  the  components  of   representation
languages in  general.   It  provides the  user  with  an  extendable
collection of high level operators and constructs which he can use to
describe and build components of his target language.  After the user
has specified  the desirable  features of  the target  language,  RLL
integrates these  components into  a functional,  new  representation
language.  In other words,  a user can readily  and rapidly design  a
personalized  language,  exactly  suited   to  the  domain  and   the
application task at hand.

	RLL is an opn-ended language in which the user can add peices
of language not provided in  RLL's standard repetoir.  Currently  RLL
can deal  with  pieces  such  as slots,  modes  of  inheritance,  and
specification of functions.  Slots conform to the definition given in
the UNITS package  (see page ).   In fact, RLL  borrowed much of  its
nomenclature, as well as software, from UNITS.  For example, it  uses
one of  UNITS  main  mode  of inheritance,  the  Eample  link.   This
inheritance  relationship  corresponds  to   set  theory  notion   of
"element-of".  However, there is  nothing in UNITS which  corresponds
to RLL's use of functional  specification.  This domain is  currently
being explored, because  it would help  unify many outwardly  diverse
concepts, such as processes, mechanisms, and slots.

	The  initial   RLL  system   is  itself   a  very   versatile
representation language.  For most tasks, the  user can use it as  he
might any other representation  language.  What distinguishes RLL  is
that the user is not forced to follow the constraints imposed by a
particular language;  instead,  he  can  mold  his  copy  of  RLL  to
accomodate his particular task.

	RLL  derives  this  flexibility  in  two  ways.   First,  RLL
contains a  large  library  of  largely  independent,  pre-fabricated
"representational pieces".   For example,  there are  many  (mutually
incompatible) ways in which one  can associate facts with an  object.
One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot, while another is the use of
pointer to a list or relevant assertions.  For example, consider  how
to represent "Fred  is the  Father of Mary".   Using slots,  "Father"
slot of the unit Mary would  be filled with the value "Fred".   Using
links, the  unit Mary  would  point to  the assertion  "(Father  Mary
Fred)".  The first method, using  explicit slots, is "active" in  the
initial RLL system.  If this  proves unsatifactory, a simple  command
will instruct RLL  to switch to  the second method.   From then  on,
(or, at least,  until the  user's next alterring  command) the  user
modified  version  of  RLL  will  prevail.   Furthermore,  RLL   will
automatically convert the user's existing data into the new format.

	To effectively  use  the  variety  of  components,  RLL  must
"understand" what each does, and how.  This information allows RLL to
mesh diverse parts together  to form a  coherent and workable  whole.
As such,  it should  be possible  for  the user  to design  a  fairly
arbitrary language by simply choosing the precise amalgamation of the
pieces he needs, leaving  to RLL the  responsibility of fitting  them

	Cataloging of  possible  components  will  never  be  totally
complete.  RLL's second approach towards generality is its  collection
of tools designed  to help the  user fabricate new  parts.  A set  of
high-level operators are  provided so  that the user  can define  new
components or a type of components, or refine existing ones.

	For example, the user  can define the  "Parents" slot as  the
union of the "Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is, the value of  the
"Parents" slot of an individual is a list consisting of the values of
that person's "Mother"  and "Father" slots.   This brief  definition,
Parent = Union(Mother Father), is sufficient to tell RLL everything it
needs to  know  about this  slot.   RLL now  knows  to  automatically
invalidate  the  value  stored  for  Fred's  parents  if  his  mother
remarries.  Furthermore  it knows  that only  some units  may have  a
Parents slots, i.e. those which have both a Mother and Father slots.

	The language  parts, however  they were  derived, become  the
language the  user can  use  for his  task.   If he  later  discovers
limitations in  this  set  he  need only  replace  or  redesign  the
offending components.  RLL's  collection of types  of parts, and  its
high-level operators, make modifications relatively simple.  As shown
above, RLL  then  does  the  "busywork",  such  as  reformatting  the
existing data to conform to the set of new conventions.

Current Status

	Although interests have  been expressed  in using  RLL for  a
variety  of  applications,  the  system  has  only  recently   become
sufficiently stable to  permit others to  use it.  Thus  far, it  has
been used in two small  internal tasks--an adventure game  simulation
and an  exploration  into a  more  complete self-description  of  its
various parts using lower-level primitives.

Language metaphor

Representation Languages share many similiarities with natural languages,
such as English.
Both can be used to express facts about the world,
and in both cases, such descriptions are in terms of very high level, and "natural"
Both are open-ended, and extendable --
new terms can be formed from old, using various established methods.
(New words can be created by adding a prefix to an existing word.
One can infer the meaning of "verbifying", as it applies a standard
method by verbifying to the noun, "verb".
Also, a word can take on a new, or extended meaning,
by using it in a new context.)

A language is more than just a dictionary of words;
it also includes a grammar which describes
how to use words to form higher level constructs,
such as Noun Phrase, Sentence, or Story.

RLL is like a very general purpose language,
which contains a large number of words, and a very encompassing  grammar.
Many users will be able to use this, sans alterations.
What distinquishes RLL from most other representational languages is its
ability to change.
It can built not only new words,
but new and different grammars as well.
Most systems impose a fairly rigid set of conventions on what they can do,
and how.
The user has no choice but to conform to these standards,
which forces some applications into awkward contortions, if it is at all possible.

Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, the frustrated

It achieves this generality by describing these each of notions precisely;
representing them within RLL's own formalisms 
(much like reading an text on English, written in English).
These descriptions can then be used.
A user can combine the desired features
of several distinct languages to form
a new, specialized language, suited to his particular needs and goals.

Our eventual goal is to provide an entire catalog of these language

 provides the ability to shift amoung languages -- to use German's
capability to string nouns together, and 

Extensible langauge, for describing extensibilites:

Davis, Randall,  "Generalized procedure calling and content-directed invocation",
	SIGPLAN Noices, Vol. 12, Nol 8, August 1977, pp. 45-54

Same general ideas - of bootstrapping down & down
Sandewall, Erik, "?", IJCAI 4

Smalltalk - idea of each unit knowing what to do

Fahlman "<10% not easy to represent, and require special fixes" 
	[see IJCAI-79, p.282 - in article re: AMORD]

Fox (IJCAI-79 282-4) - make things as explicit as possible - and declarative

Georgeff (IJCAI-79 330) - can add semantics to MetaRules easily
	[use Cogn Econ to decide what needs to be recomputed]

Laubsh (IJCAI-79 516) [W German] {ATN w/Sem Nets} put concepts into Units,
	with additional facts

Leitner, Henry H (Harvard) & Micheal W Freeman(Burroughs), (IJCAI-79 525)
	store with "slot" what to do

Miller, G.A., E. Galanter, and K H Pribaum "Plans & the Structure of Behaviour,
	New York: Holt, Rinehard & Winston, 1960. (see IJCAI-79 555)
	"Major source of new plans is old plans."

Mostow & Hayes-Roth (IJCAI-79 601) - schema for heuristic search, w/slots for facts

IJCAI-79, 617  - AKO limiting - as meaning too many things, and all imprecisely
	Semantics not pure (618)
	"Prespecitifed useages of attached procedures is too restrictive"
	(but they still stop shrt of real soln - ie they add own (deepter) conventions)

Hayes "Defense of Logic" - refers to building an interpreter for the interpreter
	[see also Stefik's HPP-80-13, appearing in ?Artificial Intelligence? 1980]